
Radiology Technologist Schools and Careers in Massachusetts

    The colleges and universities in Massachusetts offer numerous programs for earning a degree or certificate in radiologic technology. This overview of radiologic technologist and technician schools in Massachusetts can help you make an informed decision. As an alternative to traditional on-campus programs, online radiologic technologist and technician programs can also provide a route to earning your degree or certificate. Some students find these online programs offer a greater degree of flexibility and school-life balance. Read about the difference between radiology technologists and radiology technicians. To learn more about radiologic technologist and technician schools in Massachusetts, continue reading this page, where you will find a table of rad tech programs, student reviews, and more.

    Quick Facts

    • There are 18 not-for-profit colleges and universities with radiologic technology degree programs in Massachusetts.1
    • 4 schools offer a certificate program in radiologic science.1
    • 12 schools offer an associate’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 6 schools offer a bachelor’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 4 schools offer a master’s or advanced degree in radiologic science.1
    • 14 schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).2
    • 5 schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).3
    • 3 schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT).4

    Massachusetts Medical Imaging Schools Comparison

    We have designed the following table to allow you to easily compare the not-for-profit radiologic technology and medical imaging programs in Massachusetts on a variety of factors. You should check with the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program (RCP) to ensure that the program you are considering will meet licensure requirements.

    School NameAssociate’s Imaging ProgramBachelor’s Imaging ProgramGraduate Imaging ProgramNational AccreditationCompletion Rate2Credential Exam Pass Rate2Job Placement Rate2Net Price1
    Boston UniversityYes$27,829
    Bunker Hill Community CollegeYesJRCERT, CAAHEP94%79%100%$8,857
    Holyoke Community CollegeYesJRCERT83%96%100%$7,927
    Laboure College of HealthcareYesJRCERT100%77%97%N.Av.
    Massachusetts Bay Community CollegeYesJRCERT88%78%100%$6,872
    Massachusetts College of Liberal ArtsYesJRCERT92%88%100%$15,377
    Massasoit Community CollegeYesJRCERT90%89%92%$9,024
    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University-BostonYesYesJRCERT, CAAHEP, JRCNMT100%81%100%$38,776
    Middlesex Community CollegeYesJRCERT, CAAHEP90%94%99%$3,265
    North Shore Community CollegeYesJRCERT100%88%100%$8,444
    Northern Essex Community CollegeYesJRCERT91%93%/td>

    Quinsigamond Community CollegeYesJRCERT92%91%100%$6,809
    Regis CollegeYesYesJRCERT, CAAHEP, JRCNMT82%77%100%$30,014
    Roxbury Community CollegeYes$9,672
    Salem State UniversityYesJRCNMT$19,277
    Springfield Technical Community CollegeYesJRCERT, CAAHEP78%91%100%$9,836
    Suffolk UniversityYesYesJRCERT100%77%100%$32,270
    University of Massachusetts-LowellYesYes$17,240

    • — indicates none.
    • N.Av. indicates no data available.

    Select Schools in Massachusetts with Radiology Technologist Programs

    Bunker Hill Community College

    The Associate of Science (AS) in Medical Imaging at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) offers several options for completion, including full-time programs with emphases in General Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, or Medical Radiography and a part-time program with an emphasis in Medical Radiography. The part-time option was designed to provide more flexibility for students who have obligations outside the classroom and can’t commit to a traditional class schedule. All programs seek to train students for entry-level positions as radiologic technologists and are structured with a diverse, multicultural population in mind. Students learn to evaluate diagnostic images, apply positioning skills and radiation protection, provide patient care, demonstrate verbal and written communication skills, and pursue continuing professional development in clinical settings. Students take a series of courses including Patient Care in Medical Imaging, Positioning, Anatomy/Physiology, and Pharmacology of Radiology. Students also participate in clinical experiences. The program at BHCC is fully accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).

    Massasoit Community College

    The Associate of Science (AS) in Radiologic Technology program at Massasoit Community College (Massasoit) was founded in 1988. Accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), the rad tech program at Massasoit prepares students for entry-level careers as radiographers who demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, effective communication, and ethical behavior. Upon completion of the degree, students will be able to combine their knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the principles of radiographic exposure in order to work as competent and compassionate radiology technologists or technicians. The 21-month program includes a full-time, 12-week clinical experience in the summer between the freshman and sophomore years in addition to clinical hours during the academic year. Students also complete a series of concentration courses including Radiologic Technology, Anatomy and Physiology, RADT Anatomy/Positioning, Radiation Science, and RADT Advanced Imaging Procedures. Admission to the program is selective and highly competitive.

    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

    Students looking for a more in-depth understanding of radiologic technology may consider the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Radiography program at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) in Boston. Offered through the School of Medical Imaging and Therapeutics, the 32-month degree is an accelerated, year-round program that integrates professional coursework, clinical experience, and classroom instruction in the liberal arts, applied sciences, and social sciences. A typical course of study includes the completion of a core curriculum in the first year and specific radiography coursework in the second and third years. Sample courses include X-Ray Radiation Physics, Introduction to Interpersonal Communication for Health Professionals, Patient Care in Imaging, and Radiographic Procedures. Students also complete radiography internships and clinical rotations at hospital affiliates such as the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Cambridge Hospital, Charlton Memorial Hospital, and Tuft’s New England Medical Center. Graduates are eligible to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam.

    How to Become a Radiology Technologist in Massachusetts

    Only persons who hold a Radiologic Technologist (RT) license issued by the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program (RCP) may work as radiographers in the state. To qualify for an RT license, applicants must:

    1. Complete at least an associate’s degree in a radiologic technology modality. The program should meet RCP requirements and have an emphasis in the diagnostic technology that the applicant wishes to practice.
    2. Pass the appropriate credentialing exam. Applicants must have successfully passed either the ARRT exam or the Nuclear Medicine Technologists Certification Board (NMTCB) exam.
    3. Apply for ARRT or NMTCB certification. In addition to passing the relevant certification exam, prospective Massachusetts RTs must hold professional certification from either the ARRT or NMTCB, which is an additional step after passing the qualifying exam(s).
    4. Apply to the RCP and receive your RT license. Once your RT license is formally issued, you may begin to work in the state.
    5. Meet continuing education and licensure requirements. RTs in Massachusetts must maintain their professional certification with the ARRT or NMTCB, including completing at least 24 hours of continuing education credits (CEUs) per renewal period.

    Massachusetts Radiology Tech Salary and Job Outlook

    Projected Job Growth


    Radiology Techs in Massachusetts from 2020-20305

    Radiologic technologist and technician employment in Massachusetts is projected to increase by 11.9% during the decade ending in 2030.5 This is faster than the projected national job growth rate for rad techs of 8.6% during the same time period.5 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 4,950 radiologic technologists and technicians are employed in Massachusetts.6 Massachusetts radiologic technologists earn an average annual income of $85,800, making Massachusetts one of the top-paying states for this field.6 Although the BLS does not track occupational data for x-ray technicians, technicians typically earn less than RTs due to the lower educational requirements and work responsibilities. Radiologic technicians and technologists in Massachusetts may find employment at one of the state’s many hospitals such as Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston Medical Center, Berkshire Health Systems, Massachusetts General Hospital, New England Baptist Hospital, Pembroke Hospital, or UMass Memorial Medical Center. Radiology technologists and technicians who prefer to work in medical centers can consider applying to such employers as Alliance HealthCare Services, Bay Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, BIH Radiologic Foundation, Cape Diagnostic Imaging, or Radiology Associates of Norwood.

    Massachusetts Radiologic Technologist Salary by Metro Area

    CityNumber Employed7Average Annual Salary7
    Boston-Cambridge-Nashua MA-NH3,710$86,100
    Providence-Warwick RI-MA1,070$76,350
    Springfield MA-CT500$71,600
    Worcester MA-CT360$79,080

    Student Reviews

    Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the “Data, Student Reviews and Other Information” section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.

    Middlesex Community College
    591 Springs Rd
    Bedford, MA 01730
    (781) 280-3200

    Student Review: “The RT program at Middlesex Community College was an excellent experience for me. It truly prepared me to become an RT(R). The coursework was very in-depth but the professors made it so that almost all students followed along and really understood the material. When it came time to take the registry exam, I scored a 96 because I was able to retain all of the anatomical, physiological, and scientific information that was drilled into me over the course of the two-year program. The sites in which we interned were also top-notch and provided most of the students with jobs after graduation. The MCC program for Radiologic Technology was truly a blessing in my life, and allowed me to have the lucrative career I have today.” – Student at Middlesex Community College

    1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
    2. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Program Effectiveness Data: https://www.jrcert.org/program-effectiveness-data/
    3. Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs: https://www.caahep.org/students/find-an-accredited-program
    4. Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology: https://www.jrcnmt.org/programs/
    5. Projections Central Long Term Occupational Projections: https://projectionscentral.org/Projections/LongTerm
    6. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, Radiologic Technologists and Technicians: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292034.htm
    7. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcma.htm