
Radiology Technologist Schools and Careers in Connecticut

    This overview of radiologic technologist and technician schools in Connecticut provides you with high-level information that can help you decide on the right school for your interests and career aspirations. The colleges and universities in Connecticut offer an array of options for earning an education in radiologic technology and may provide opportunities to pursue in-demand specialties such as sonography and nuclear medicine. In addition, online radiologic technologist and technician schools can be a flexible alternative to traditional on-campus study. Read about the difference between radiology technologists and radiology technicians. Read on to discover more information about rad tech schools in Connecticut, including a table of rad tech programs and occupational information that can help you shape your future career.

    Quick Facts

    • There are 5 not-for-profit colleges and universities with radiologic technology degree programs in Connecticut.1
    • 2 schools offer a certificate program in radiologic science.1
    • 3 schools offer an associate’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 2 schools offer a bachelor’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 1 school offers a master’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 4 schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).2
    • 2 schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).3
    • 1 school has a medical imaging program accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT).4

    Connecticut Medical Imaging Schools Comparison

    We have designed the following table to allow you to easily compare the not-for-profit radiologic technology and medical imaging programs in Connecticut on a variety of factors. You should check with the Connecticut State Department of Public Health (DPH) to ensure that the program you are considering will meet licensure requirements.

    School NameAssociate’s Imaging ProgramBachelor’s Imaging ProgramGraduate Imaging ProgramNational AccreditationCompletion Rate2Credential Exam Pass Rate2Job Placement Rate2Net Price1
    Connecticut State Community CollegeYesJRCERT60-100%*86-100%*91-100%*$6,306
    Quinnipiac UniversityYesYesJRCERT92%93%100%$39,051
    Sacred Heart UniversityYesYesJRCERT86%76%98%$45,280
    University of HartfordYesJRCERT87%82%100%$31,687
    Yale-New Haven Hospital/Yale University (Certificate Only)CAAHEPN.Av.

    • — indicates none.
    • N.Av. indicates no data available.
    • *Connecticut State Community College was founded in 2023 out of the merger and consolidation of the state’s 12 community colleges. Five-year effectiveness data therefore varies based on the performance of each campus’ previously independent program.

    Select Schools in Connecticut with Radiology Technologist Degree Programs

    Connecticut State Community College

    Connecticut State Community College (CT State) awards the Associate of Science (AS) in Radiography to students who successfully complete the two-year program. The program is available on CT State’s Capital, Gateway, Manchester, Middlesex, and Naugatuck Valley campuses. Students must follow a predetermined course of study, taking courses in sequence. Clinical rotations begin in the first semester and include rotations during winter break in each fall semester. A limited number of evening clinical rotations are available. Graduates of the program will be eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification exam. Admission to the program is based on the completion of prerequisite coursework, GPA, and scores on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam. CT State also offers a Radiography Certificate with options in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), and Mammography.

    University of Hartford

    The University of Hartford (UHart) features a four-year program that leads to a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Radiologic Technology. Students take prerequisite courses during freshman year before continuing to the professional curriculum during the next two years. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required to continue into the professional program. At the end of the junior year, students will have completed their radiologic technology courses, making them eligible for an Associate of Science (AS) degree, to sit for the ARRT certification exam, and begin working in the field. During senior year, students will complete the BS coursework and may pursue certifications in additional disciplines. The undergraduate program consists of general education and radiologic technology coursework that includes hands-on experience in a fully-functioning lab on campus. Clinical rotations are held at affiliated medical facilities, including Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Manchester Memorial Hospital, and Open MRI of Connecticut. UHart also offers certificate programs in Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

    How to Become a Radiology Technologist in Connecticut

    Radiologic technologists in Connecticut must be licensed as radiographers through the Connecticut Department of Health (DPH). ARRT certification is not required, but applicants must pass the ARRT exam to be eligible for the license. Those seeking licensure must:

    1. Complete an education program in a recognized area of radiologic technology. Candidates for licensure must complete an educational program accredited by the JRCERT or recognized as equivalent by the ARRT and an associate’s degree or higher. The associate degree may be completed as part of, or in addition to, the radiologic technology program.
    2. Pass the ARRT radiography exam. The Connecticut DPH uses the ARRT radiography exam as the state’s licensing exam. Candidates must pass the ARRT exam with a score of 75 or better.
    3. Apply for a license. The Connecticut DPH website has instructions for submitting an application for initial licensure and any associated documents and fees. The application must be submitted online.
    4. Apply for ARRT certification if desired. Rad techs who took the ARRT state test may also apply for certification and registration by the ARRT. Connecticut does not require this certification, but many rad techs find it valuable.
    5. Maintain your license. Licenses must be renewed annually. Candidates seeking renewal must provide evidence of 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years. Current registration with the ARRT is accepted as proof of CE.

    Connecticut Radiology Tech Salary and Job Outlook

    Projected Job Growth


    Radiology Techs in Connecticut from 2020-20305

    Radiologic technologist and technician positions in Connecticut are projected to grow by 4.5%, or 100 jobs, between 2020 and 2030.5 Nationally, job growth of 8.6% is expected for rad techs over the same time period.5 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of 2022, the average annual salary for the 2,570 radiologic techs working in Connecticut was $76,180.6 Although the BLS does not track occupational data for x-ray technicians, technicians typically earn less than RTs due to the lower educational requirements and work responsibilities. Radiologic technologists and technicians work in a variety of settings, including doctors’ offices, imaging centers, medical centers, and hospitals. Major employers that hire radiologic technologists and technicians in Connecticut include Jefferson Radiology, Midstate Radiology Associates, Advanced Medical Imaging (AMI) Connecticut, Yale New Haven Health System , and Stamford Health.

    Connecticut Radiologic Technologist Salary by Metro Area

    CityNumber Employed7Average Annual Salary7
    Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford1,000$73,440
    New Haven510$78,520

    1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
    2. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Program Effectiveness Data: https://www.jrcert.org/program-effectiveness-data/
    3. Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs: https://www.caahep.org/students/find-an-accredited-program
    4. Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology: https://www.jrcnmt.org/programs/
    5. Projections Central Long Term Occupational Projections: https://projectionscentral.org/Projections/LongTerm
    6. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, Radiologic Technologists and Technicians: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292034.htm
    7. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcma.htm